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Choice One Dental News

Go Green with Your Smile Routine

Brushing teeth without water runningAs we strive for a healthier planet, every small change counts, including our dental hygiene habits. You can contribute to environmental conservation right from your bathroom. One simple yet effective practice is to turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. Running water can waste up to 30 liters per day per person! Instead, wet your brush, turn off the water, and only use it to rinse.

Furthermore, consider using toothbrushes with replaceable heads. These toothbrushes allow you to keep the handle and only replace the brush head, reducing plastic waste significantly. The handles are often made from recycled materials and are designed to last, making this a durable and eco-friendly option for your dental care routine.

By adopting these eco-friendly practices, you maintain your oral health and play a vital role in preserving our environment. Let’s make every action count towards a greener future!

Protect Your Winning Smile With a Mouthguard

Boy playing sport with mouthguardEngaging in sports is excellent for health but can pose risks to your teeth and gums. A crucial step in safeguarding your smile while playing sports is using a mouthguard.

These protective devices absorb and distribute impact forces, significantly reducing the risk of injuries like broken teeth, cut lips, or other trauma to your mouth.

Mouthguards are not just for contact sports like football or boxing. Even in non-contact sports such as basketball or gymnastics, unexpected impacts can occur.

Wearing a mouthguard can prevent costly and painful dental injuries, and they come in various forms including custom-fit models made by our team for superior comfort and protection.

Don’t let a game injury set you back.

Ensure your dental safety and maintain your competitive edge by booking a visit with Choice One Dental today to get a custom mouthguard tailored just for you!

Accessible Dental Care Tips

Electric toothbrushMaintaining oral hygiene can present unique challenges for those with physical limitations and disabilities. Here are some effective tools and techniques to help:

  1. Electric Toothbrushes: These are excellent for individuals with limited hand mobility. Electric toothbrushes reduce the need for manual dexterity and ensure effective cleaning.
  2. Toothbrush Holders: Adaptive holders can stabilize a toothbrush, making it easier to control for those with grip difficulties.
  3. Floss Holders: Instead of traditional string floss, use floss holders or picks designed to be easy to grip and maneuver.
  4. Mouthwash Dispensers: Automated dispensers allow for easy, one-handed use, helping those unable to use small caps or squeeze bottles.
  5. Regular Dental Visits: Regular check-ups allow for professional cleaning and help in managing any special dental care needs effectively.

With these tools and a supportive dental care team, everyone can achieve and maintain a healthy smile!

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